First Music NFT Drop
Lazer Boomerang “Interstellar” on PIANITY
Finally…!!! We’ve been working on this for more than one year and our plan is slowly taking shape. At LIVANA MUSIC, we’d like to support our artists in any ecosystem, including the future-proof Web 3.0 world. Therefore we’re actively seeking opportunities and making deals with a variety of platforms.
The very first musicNFT drop 🚀, an exclusive and unreleased synthwave song named “Interstellar” by LAZER BOOMERANG, is scheduled for March 22 2023 on the French NFT platform PIANITY – we’re over the moon and excited. Buyers of the NFT can unlock a special perk and join a live-stream by LAZER BOOMERANG from the studio. A great opportunity for fans or producers to ask questions and watch Lazer doing his studio magic 🙂
“This song has not been released and it is a very special song to me. The vast emptiness and size of space excites and fascinates me. I wanted to write a song about traveling through time and space, that is soothing and emotional.”
Be part of the experience, join our journey and get this first LIVANA MUSIC NFT, starting from the 22nd of March 2023 (limited to 100 units)! And feel free to join us on DISCORD 😉
PIANITY is a French platform specialized on music NFT’s and they already made a mark with numerous precious NFT’s by the likes of CERRONE and many others. They’re also highly involved in the re-launch of the MID3M+, which is going to get public again in 2024 (in Cannes).
Again, this is a huge step for both the artist and us, so any support (spreading the news, commenting and of course buying the NFT) is highly appreciated.
Here’s the link to get notified about the release
How we promoted our first musicNFT - LIVANA MUSIC
May 11, 2023 (15:17)
[…] Read how we announced our first musicNFT in this blog article […]